
This page contains various projects I did for University courses.

BornoByte - Bangla Handwritten Character Detection System

BornoByte is a deep learning project which can accurately identify and transcribe handwritten Bangla characters. Implemented using the LeNet-5 convolutional neural network (CNN) model, the system achieved an accuracy of 86.3%.

Technologies: Tensorflow, Keras, Python, NumPy, pandas, Flask

NEST - House Rental System

The NEST house rental system is for management of rental properties in Bangladesh. It addresses current issues and enhances the rental experience for landlords and tenants.

Technologies: PHP, MySQL, HTML, Bootstrap, JS

Bookshop - E-Commerce Website

In this project, we built an E-Commerce website that features books, provides necessary pictures of books, descriptions, price, and also the option to purchase by adding them to a cart.

Technologies: PHP, MySQL, HTML, Bootstrap, JS